Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - calculate RMSDs all vs all and save it to a matrix

Examples:: -i test_data -o test_output/rmsd_calc_dir.tsv
     # of models: 4
    ... 1 test_data/struc1.pdb
    ... 2 test_data/struc2.pdb
    ... 3 test_data/struc3.pdb
    ... 4 test_data/struc4.pdb

The program is using (

You can also use PyMOL to do align or fit::

    python -i test_data -o test_output/rmsd_calc_dir_align.mat -m align
     # of models: 5
    # test_data/2nd_triplex_FB_1AUA3_rpr.pdb test_data/struc1.pdb test_data/struc2.pdb test_data/struc3.pdb test_data/struc4.pdb
    0.0 4.13 4.922 4.358 4.368
    4.13 0.0 11.092 4.707 3.46
    4.922 11.092 0.0 11.609 11.785
    4.358 4.707 11.609 0.0 2.759
    4.368 3.46 11.785 2.759 0.0
    matrix was created!  test

from __future__ import print_function

from import rmsd, get_coordinates, centroid, kabsch_rmsd
from import calc_rmsd_pymol

from icecream import ic
import sys
ic.configureOutput(outputFunction=lambda *a: print(*a, file=sys.stderr), includeContext=True)
ic.configureOutput(prefix='> ')

import argparse
import glob
import re
import os

[docs] def get_rna_models_from_dir(directory): models = [] if not os.path.exists(directory): raise Exception('Dir does not exist! ', directory) files = glob.glob(directory + "/*.pdb") files_sorted = sort_nicely(files) for f in files_sorted: models.append(f) return models
[docs] def sort_nicely(l): """Sort the given list in the way that humans expect. """ def convert(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def alphanum_key(key): return [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] l.sort(key=alphanum_key) return l
[docs] def calc_rmsd(a, b): """Calc rmsd.""" atomsP, P = get_coordinates(a, None, None, 'pdb', True) atomsQ, Q = get_coordinates(b, None, None, 'pdb', True) # Calculate 'dumb' RMSD # gnormal_rmsd = rmsd(P, Q) # Create the centroid of P and Q which is the geometric center of a # N-dimensional region and translate P and Q onto that center. # Pc = centroid(P) Qc = centroid(Q) P -= Pc Q -= Qc # if False: # V = rotate(P, Q) # V += Qc # write_coordinates(atomsP, V) # quit() return kabsch_rmsd(P, Q)
[docs] def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-i', "--input-dir", default='', help="input folder with structures") parser.add_argument('-o', "--matrix-fn", default='matrix.txt', help="ouput, matrix") parser.add_argument('-m', "--method", default='all-atom', help="all-atom, pymol: align, fit") # parser.add_argument("-s", "--save", # action="store_true", help="") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() input_dir = args.input_dir matrix_fn = args.matrix_fn models = get_rna_models_from_dir(input_dir) # print('number of models:', len(models)) f = open(matrix_fn, 'w') t = '# ' for r1 in models: # print r1, t += os.path.basename(r1) + ' ' # print t += '\n' c = 1 avg = 0 avgs = [] for r1 in models: for r2 in models: if args.method == 'align': rmsd_curr = calc_rmsd_pymol(r1, r2, 'align')[0] # (0.0, 0) elif args.method == 'fit': rmsd_curr = calc_rmsd_pymol(r1, r2, 'fit')[0] # (0.0, 0) else: rmsd_curr = calc_rmsd(r1, r2) t += str(round(rmsd_curr, 3)) + ',' avg += round(rmsd_curr, 3) avgs.append(round(rmsd_curr, 3)) # print('...', c, r1) c += 1 t = t[:-1] # remove ending , t += '\n' f.write(t) f.close() def avgf(lst): return round(sum(lst) / len(lst), 2) ic.disable() ic(avg) ic(avgf(avgs)) ic(c) ic(avgs) #print('score') print(avgf(avgs)) #print(t.strip()) # matrix if 0: if True: print('matrix was created! ', matrix_fn) else: print('matrix NOT was created!')