Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - calculate RMSDs of structures to the target

If you still have problem with various number of atoms, check out this issue: get_rnapuzzle_ready: how to deal with `Alternate location indicator (

The program is using (

Example #1::

    $ -t 6_0_solution_4GXY_rpr.pdb --model-selection=A:1-17+24-110+115-168 *.pdb
    method: all-atom-built-in
    # of models: 35
    6_0_solution_4GXY_rpr.pdb 0.0 3409
    6_Blanchet_1_rpr.pdb 22.31 3409
    6_Blanchet_2_rpr.pdb 21.76 3409
    6_Blanchet_3_rpr.pdb 21.32 3409
    6_Blanchet_4_rpr.pdb 22.22 3409
    6_Blanchet_5_rpr.pdb 24.17 3409
    6_Blanchet_6_rpr.pdb 23.28 3409
    6_Blanchet_7_rpr.pdb 22.26 3409
    6_Bujnicki_1_rpr.pdb 36.95 3409
    6_Bujnicki_2_rpr.pdb 30.9 3409
    6_Bujnicki_3_rpr.pdb 32.1 3409
    6_Bujnicki_4_rpr.pdb 32.04 3409

Example #2::

      -t 5k7c_clean_onechain_renumber_as_puzzle_srr.pdb
      --target-selection A:1-48+52-63
      --model-selection A:1-48+52-63
      --target-ignore-selection A/57/O2\\'

      target_selection:  A:1-48+52-63
      model_selection:   A:1-48+52-63
      target_ignore_selection:  A/57/O2'
    # of models: 801
    # of atoms used: 1237
    csv was created!  rmsds.csv -t 5k7c_clean_onechain_renumber_as_puzzle_srr.pdb
    37.93s user 1.07s system 87% cpu 44.650 total

Works also for multiple chains: --model-selection='A:52+53+59+60+61+80+B:21+22+23' --target-selection='A:52+53+59+60+61+80+B:21+22+23' -t yC_5LJ3_U2U6_core_mdrFx_onlyTriplex_rpr.pdb yC_5LJ3_U2U6_core_mdrFx_addh_MD_1_rpr_rchain.pdb

from __future__ import print_function

from import *
import sys
from import select_pdb_fragment_pymol_style, select_pdb_fragment
import argparse
import sys
import math
import glob
import re
import os

[docs] def get_rna_models_from_dir(files): """ :param models: a list of filenames Example of the list:: ['test_data/rp17/2_restr1_Michal1.pdb_clean.pdb', 'test_data/rp17/2a_nonrestr2_Michal1.pdb_clean.pdb', 'test_data/rp17/3_nonrestr1_Michal1.pdb_clean.pdb', 'test_data/rp17/5_restr1_Michal3.pdb_clean.pdb']""" models = [] #if not os.path.exists(directory): # raise Exception('Dir does not exist! ', directory) #files = glob.glob(directory + "/*.pdb") files_sorted = sort_nicely(files) for f in files_sorted: models.append(f) return models
[docs] def sort_nicely( l ): """ Sort the given list in the way that humans expect. """ convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ] l.sort( key=alphanum_key ) return l
[docs] def calc_rmsd_pymol(pdb1, pdb2, method): """Calculate rmsd using PyMOL. Two methods are available: align and fit See: - Align: <> - Fit: <> Align can return a list with 7 items: - RMSD after refinement - Number of aligned atoms after refinement - Number of refinement cycles - RMSD before refinement - Number of aligned atoms before refinement - Raw alignment score - Number of residues aligned in this version of function, the function returns `RMSD before refinement`. Install on OSX: ``brew install brewsci/bio/pymol`` or get If you have a problem:: Match-Error: unable to open matrix file '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/data/pymol/matrices/BLOSUM62'. then find BLOSUM62, e.g.:: mdfind -name BLOSUM62 | grep pymol /Users/magnus/miniconda2/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymol/pymol_path/data/pymol/matrices/BLOSUM62 /usr/local/Cellar/pymol/2.4.0_3/libexec/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymol/pymol_path/data/pymol/matrices/BLOSUM62 /Users/magnus/miniconda2/pkgs/pymol-2.4.2-py37h06d7bae_0/share/pymol/data/pymol/matrices/BLOSUM62 /Users/magnus/work/opt/pymol-open-source/data/pymol/matrices/BLOSUM62 and then define ``PYMOL_DATA`` in your .bashrc/.zshrc, e.g.:: export PYMOL_DATA="/Users/magnus/work/opt/pymol-open-source/data/pymol" """ try: import __main__ __main__.pymol_argv = ['pymol', '-qc'] import pymol # import cmd, finish_launching pymol.finish_launching() except ImportError: print('calc_rmsd_pymol: you need to have installed PyMOL') sys.exit(0) # no error pymol.cmd.reinitialize() pymol.cmd.delete('all') pymol.cmd.load(pdb1, 's1') pymol.cmd.load(pdb2, 's2') if method == 'align': # experiments with align <> # quiet = 0/1: suppress output {default: 0 in command mode, 1 in API} # (4.130036354064941, 60, 3, 4.813207626342773, 64, 30.0, 3) values = pymol.cmd.align('s1', 's2',quiet=1, object='aln') return values[0], values[3] # (,#0) #, pymol.cmd.align('s1','s2')[4]) #raw_aln = pymol.cmd.get_raw_alignment('aln') #print raw_aln #for idx1, idx2 in raw_aln: # print '%s`%d -> %s`%d' % tuple(idx1 + idx2)'aln.aln', 'aln') if method == 'fit': return ('s1', 's2'), 'fit')
[docs] def calc_rmsd(a, b, target_selection, target_ignore_selection, model_selection, model_ignore_selection, way, verbose): """ Calculate RMSD between two XYZ files by: Jimmy Charnley Kromann <> and Lars Andersen Bratholm <> project: license: a is model b is target :params: a = filename of structure a :params: b = filename of structure b :return: rmsd, number of atoms """ if verbose: print('in:', a) atomsP, P = get_coordinates(a, model_selection, model_ignore_selection, 'pdb', True, way) atomsQ, Q = get_coordinates(b, target_selection,target_ignore_selection, 'pdb', True, way) if verbose: print(atomsP, P) print(atomsQ, Q) if atomsQ != atomsP: print('Error: number of atoms is not equal target (' + b + '):' + str(atomsQ) + ' vs model (' + a + '):' + str(atomsP)) return (-1,0) # skip this RNA # Calculate 'dumb' RMSD normal_rmsd = rmsd(P, Q) # Create the centroid of P and Q which is the geometric center of a # N-dimensional region and translate P and Q onto that center. # Pc = centroid(P) Qc = centroid(Q) P -= Pc Q -= Qc if False: V = rotate(P, Q) V += Qc write_coordinates(atomsP, V) quit() return round(kabsch_rmsd(P, Q),2), atomsP
[docs] def get_parser(): import argparse class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): def _split_lines(self, text, width): if text.startswith('R|'): return text[2:].splitlines() # this is the RawTextHelpFormatter._split_lines return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=SmartFormatter)#formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-t',"--target-fn", default='', required = True, help="pdb file") parser.add_argument('--ignore-files', help='files to be ingored, .e.g, \'solution\'', default='') parser.add_argument("--target-selection", default='', help="selection, e.g. A:10-16+20, where #16 residue is included") parser.add_argument("--target-ignore-selection", default='', help="A/10/O2\'") parser.add_argument("--model-selection", default='', help="selection, e.g. A:10-16+20, where #16 residue is included") parser.add_argument("--model-ignore-selection", default='', help="A/10/O2\'") parser.add_argument('-m', "--method", default='all-atom-built-in', help="align, fit") parser.add_argument('-o', "--rmsds-fn", default='rmsds.csv', help="ouput, matrix") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose") parser.add_argument('-pr', '--print-results', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-sr', '--sort-results', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-pp', '--print-progress', default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--way', help="""R|c1p = C1' backbone = P OP1 OP2 O5' C5' C4' C3' O3' po = P OP1 OP2 no-backbone = all - po bases, backbone+sugar, sugar pooo = P OP1 OP2 O5' alpha = P OP1 OP2 O5' C5' """, default='all') parser.add_argument("--name-rmsd-column", help="default: fn,rmsd, with this cols will be fn,<name-rmsd-column>") parser.add_argument("--target-column-name", action="store_true", help="") parser.add_argument('files', help='files', nargs='+') return parser
# main if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() input_files = args.files # opts.input_dir tmp = [] if args.ignore_files: for f in input_files: if args.ignore_files in f: continue tmp.append(f) input_files = tmp rmsds_fn = args.rmsds_fn target_fn = args.target_fn method = args.method print('method:', method) target_selection = select_pdb_fragment(args.target_selection) model_selection = select_pdb_fragment(args.model_selection) if target_selection: if args.verbose: print(' target_selection: #', args.target_selection, target_selection) ts = target_selection print(ts) resides_in_total = 0 for i in target_selection: print((i, len(ts[i]))) # chain string, a list of residues resides_in_total += len(ts[i]) print('in total:', resides_in_total) if model_selection: if args.verbose: print(' model_selection: ', len(model_selection), args.model_selection, model_selection) resides_in_total = 0 for i in model_selection: print(i, len(model_selection[i])) # chain string, a list of residues resides_in_total += len(model_selection[i]) print('in total:', resides_in_total) if args.target_ignore_selection: target_ignore_selection = select_pdb_fragment_pymol_style(args.target_ignore_selection, args.verbose) else: target_ignore_selection = None if args.model_ignore_selection: model_ignore_selection = select_pdb_fragment_pymol_style(args.model_ignore_selection, args.verbose) else: model_ignore_selection = None if args.target_ignore_selection: if args.verbose: print(' target_ignore_selection: ', args.target_ignore_selection) if args.model_ignore_selection: if args.verbose: print(' model_ignore_selection: ', args.model_ignore_selection) models = get_rna_models_from_dir(input_files) print('target:', target_fn) print('of models:', len(models)) f = open(rmsds_fn, 'w') #t = 'target:' + os.path.basename(target_fn) + ' , rmsd_all\n' if args.name_rmsd_column: t = 'fn,' + args.name_rmsd_column + '\n' elif args.target_column_name: t = 'fn,' + os.path.basename(args.target_fn) + '\n' else: t = 'fn,rmsd_all\n' c = 1 for r1 in models: if method == 'align' or method == 'fit': rmsd_curr, atoms = calc_rmsd_pymol(r1, target_fn, method, args.verbose) else: rmsd_curr, atoms = calc_rmsd(r1, target_fn, target_selection, target_ignore_selection, model_selection, model_ignore_selection, args.way, args.verbose) r1_basename = os.path.basename(r1) if args.print_progress: print(r1_basename, rmsd_curr, atoms) t += r1_basename + ',' + str(round(rmsd_curr,3)) + ' ' c += 1 t += '\n' f.write(t) f.close() print('number of atoms used:', atoms) try: import pandas as pdx pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000) except: print(t.strip()) # matrix sys.exit(0) df = pd.read_csv(rmsds_fn) df = df.round(2) if args.sort_results: df = df.sort_values('rmsd_all', ascending=True) if args.print_results: print(df) df.to_csv(rmsds_fn, sep=',', index=False) # easy to set \t here! # print('# csv was created! ', rmsds_fn)